Tuesday, September 18, 2007

The title of the entry is the hardest part to write...

So for once the eyes are not on New York, but rather Gainesville. Last night at UF Senator John Kerry came to speak and, well, this is what happened...


I'm not going to get into what I think, but it was interesting to see UF make the news for something other than winning championships! I actually find it a bit sad that I don't read the news enough to have seen that. I found out about it on Facebook via the mini feed and then looked into myself.

Work is going well. This is my fifth week with the company already (today marks the complete 4 weeks)... I can't believe it. Where does time go?? Pretty soon I'll be on Social Security! Okay, I might be getting a little ahead of myself. I got a potted plant and a new fax machine. The fax machine alone made me much happier. It'll be such a time saver now. The plant is just nice decor.

When I started it was really nice outside and hot somedays. It's 69 degrees today and has been "cold" since Saturday! It really doesn't feel that bad, it's just mind blowing that if I were still in school I would be sweating to death in the 80+ degree weather. In a way I kind of like not sweating all the time and feeling like I need to take a shower after walking a quarter of a mile. My winter clothes (read: jackets) need to get here quickly, though. I should probably tell my mom to make those the next priority.

I watched K-Ville last night or at least half of it. However, thanks to my DVR I can finish the rest this evening (or watch the re-run they are showing). It seemed pretty good from what I saw, hopefully it won't get cancelled.

Gotta take care of some things!


Matt said...

Hey Allison,

Glad to see your alive, doing well, and glad that you're writing this, so I can see what your up to. You actually made me update my blog through inadvertent guilt.

Miss you.

scafidi said...

I don't care for this other Matt. Down with imposters!

Matt said...

Scafidi, you never did care for me. And it hurt me. Right here. I'm pointing at my heart, just so you know.

Matt Mck