Sunday, September 2, 2007

So this is what it feels like to be 22...

Happy birthday a moi! Well, it was yesterday. Ali and I were supposed to watch the Gators game at the Gin Mill at 6. Unfortunately, we were unaware that the game was moved up to 12:30 to be put on TV so we didn't quite make it. One of the downsides of no longer being a student or a season ticket holder I suppose. Oh well, there is always next week. Ali and I have some serious work to do (read: spackle and paint) before our apartment is ready, but once it's finished it's going to look like a million bucks! We found out the building is one hundred years old. It's beautiful! Hopefully we'll have put a pretty big dent in the work by this time next week!

Work is going very well! I love it! I got to help on a shoot last week by holding the cue cards. Needless to say my arm felt like it might fall off by the end. We went to Riverside Park which I had never been to before. The weather was gorgeous, as was the view. I still have so many places to explore here. I should probably just "get lost" one day and wonder around. Laura gave me a great piece of advice which is to ride the bus because underground you don't see the relationship of the stop to the surrounding roads but on the bus you see what connects and how close everything is. I'm really starting to dislike Times Square. Everyone walks so slow and they stop right in the middle of the sidewalk to take pictures!

This week I am really going to concentrate on putting the final touches on the office (furniture, etc.) so that I can help as much as possible with any production work they might have.

I'm going to go to the new apartment now and start cleaning!

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