Thursday, September 20, 2007

Office Jokes

I had my first office joke played on me yesterday. A certain employee who shall remain nameless came out of a meeting and very stoically and hurriedly told me to get the phone number for Scores West and put it on another employee's desk. I had no idea what Scores West is so I rushed over to the computer and jotted down the name, address, and phone number. The other employee wasn't at their desk (thank goodness!) and it's actually called Scores West Side, so I confirmed if it was the same place and they began to laugh and tell me it was a joke. I still had no idea what I had looked up and assumed it was a sketchy bar, but it turns out it's a pretty popular strip club, haha!


scafidi said...

Wow, sounds like they need some help in the joke department.

You should bring in a baby doll, put it in the office microwave, then ask a co-worker to get your lunch out of the microwave for you while you're on the phone.

Matt said...

Hey, congrats, you actually have a potentail lawsuit on your hands! Do you never want to work again? Then file a sexual harrassment suit! Live in the lap of luxury! Yay!