Thursday, August 30, 2007

Inaugural Post

Everyone is out of the office, so I figured this would be the perfect time to quickly write an entry. Today marks my second week since moving to New York, and I can't believe how fast it has gone! I moved up on August 16th with no job and much trepidation about the decision I was making, but was employed by August 20th. Yeah, a bit easier than I thought.

I work for TitanTV Media right in the heart of Mid-town New York City (my window overlooks Times Square). My first night on the job I already went to dinner with the CEO/President Jack Perry, which is a pretty rare event for any new employee of a company, so it was nice to see an intimate working relationship. We had some delicious pizza and, although forewarned, we all decided to get personal pizzas. Bad idea. They came out each on their own pizza holder and about four or five in we realized we had severely over-ordered...Oops! Delicious nonetheless.

My job here is to mainly get the office organized, especially for when we move to our new studios, but I also assist with shoots, both in the preparation stages as well as going out on them. It's been a great experience thus far.

I think Ali and I found our dream apartment. We meet with the landlord tomorrow night and if she likes us (which I can't imagine she wouldn't), we get to move in on Saturday! It's HUGE and the rent is reasonable; less than what we budgeted. We can actually have guests stay with us instead of saying "Come visit, but get a hotel because the apartment's too small." It's in Astoria right next to Astoria Park and the East River. I've also heard that there is a lot of selection for delicious food, which excites me. Anyone who knows me knows my affinity for food.

I'd have to say I'm adjusting really well to the city. I do miss everyone at home and I'm trying so hard to stay in touch (thank you Facebook for making this easier), but I love it up here. The one thing I truly miss is not being able to call people during my commute. I used to ride the bus in Gainesville and use that as my time to return calls or make important ones. Now, I have an hour where I'm free, but I can't talk to anyone--kind of nice sometimes, I suppose. I definitely have plenty of room to meet people. It's quite different than college where at any moment your plans could change and instead of staying in you're going to see a movie with a friend and constantly meeting people that you run into on campus, etc. I usually just go home after work and unwind (I go to bed and get up so early now!) and I can't do impromptu, partly because I live far from the city, but also because I haven't really developed my core group of friends yet. Although, I suppose I could start talking to whoever sits next to me on the Subway my next few trips...