Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Holiday Hangover

This is what my dad called it today when I spoke to him. I felt like I had weeks off, even though I really only had 7 days off work and was gone for 11 days. So, you can imagine the feeling I had returning to work today after that much time off.

My vacation was great! I left on the 21st and, of course, both my flights were delayed so I didn't get back until late. We woke up early the next morning and drove to Atlanta where we stayed with my aunt, then woke up early again the next morning and did a caravan to my grandmother's in Illinois. We stayed there until Saturday and then drove back to my aunt's and stayed the night. On Sunday we drove back to Tampa and then I left Monday to get back for New Year's Eve. The vacation, as I expected, went by way too fast! However, I think I'm going to be going back to Tampa the weekend of March 14th since the bridal shower for my friend (I'm in her wedding) is that weekend AND it's my brother's 18th birthday, so it gives me something to put on my radar so I'm not totally down about missing my family.

I also have Vegas in 3 weeks to look forward to!!

New Year's was a lot of fun! Cooper, Janet, Matt, and I met up for dinner at 8 at City Lobster. Security was so tight we had to stand in line to be let on to the street because it was closed to vehicles and pedestrians. We had to show them our reservation and then get "wanded" with a metal detector and have our bags searched. Getting into my office to see the ball drop was so much easier I was shocked. I figured it would take convincing and a long time to get there. The view was perfect! The only thing we couldn't see was the front of the 2008 sign that lights up when the ball drops. We could see the back, though, haha. It was somewhat anticlimactic in that I looked over and realized the ball was already dropping (they don't countdown to that). We watched it go down and then some fireworks went off and that was it. We did hear Carrie Underwood performing and I'm sure we heard others, but we weren't listening. After that we went to a party. The next day we watched the disappointing Gators game and that was the end of my vacation.

Happy New Year to whoever reads this blog!

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